A Prayer At Day's End

    Lord, as darkness begins to fall, and the busy day draws to a close, quiet our heart and minds, and draw them to a close, quiet our hearts and minds, and draw them close to You.  We thank you for the graces of this day and we repent of the ways we have fallen short.  Be with us in our sleep, we pray and grant us the strength to greet the morning renewed.  Amen.

A Fathers Prayer for Protection of His Family

Praise to You, O Heavenly Father, for all the angels and saints who can help and guide us in our lives.  I prary to them, as they pray to Your Son, Jesus, for the protection of my family from physical harm and violence.  Especially keep us from any spiritual harm or near occassions of sin, which would jeopardize our eternal salvation.  I ask this through Jesus Christ, Your Son, Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, One God, forever and ever. Amen.

Prayers for Fathers

A Father's Prayer for Patience

Heaven Father, You show us what it means to be patient by Your Son's death on the cross.  He willingly suffered a painful cruxificion in loving obedience to Your Will.

Help Me grow in the virtue of patience by Willingly accepting the small trials of family life with a cheerful heart.  When someone becomes difficult to deal with, give me the grace to be charitable in my speech and actions and never lose my temper.

Assist me in recognizing Your providential hand, even in spilled food, crying children and the accident with toys.  Aid me in seeing that these events can help me to purify my love for You and my neighbor.  You have been patient with me and so have many other people who are part of my life.  In Your Son's name, Jesus, and in union with the Holy Spirit, I ask You, Heavenly Father, to help me to be patient.  Amen. 

A Father's Prayer To Use Time Well

Gracious Father, one of the great gifts You have given me is the time to be spent on earth to know, love, and serve You.  The length of time You will allot me here has not been revelaed to me, so help me to cherish and use each minute well.​

So many people and projects vie for my time.  Many are worthwhile , so send Your Holy Spirit to help me to discern what is really important ans what is Your Divine Will in shoosing what I should do.  Help me to see that many of the disruptions in my life are a part of Your Divine Providence to help me become humble and patient.

Give me Grace to make time in my life for daily prayer, so I can love You with my whole my mind, heart and soul and my family and neighbor as myself.  Assist my family in having the time to be active in prayer and in deed in Your Son's Church, giving Church which makes Your Son present in the world.  I ask this through Jesus Christ, Your Son, Who lives and reigns with Your and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever.  Amen. 

For Manly Virtue

O Lord, I prary for manly virtue, that I may fulfill my vocation:  to be an anchor of strength and love for my wife and children, overcoming impulses of pride and selfishness; to guide and form my children well, first of all by my own example, finding the right balance between tender affection adn firmness; to be a man of principle and charity in th ework-place, quick to smile ans always diligent in my responsibilities ; to be a man of prayer and the sacraments, a faithful follower of Your Gospel in the midst of my parish.  In all these and more, O Lord, may I be a good steward of the countless blessings You have bestowed on me.  Amen.

For Deeper Love of the Catholic Church

Heavenly Father, deepen my love for Your Son's Church, so that I can help tp lead my spouse and children closer to You.  Jesus founded the one true Church so that we can have the necessary means of truth and grace to attain Heaven and enjoy eternity with You.  Help me love the Holy Father, the successor of St. Peter, and the Bishops, the successors of the other Apostles, who are the guarantors of the truths of salvation.  Help me always adhere to their official teachings.  Strengthen my love for the sacraments , particularly the Holy Eucharist, so that I will always to turn to these channels of Your Grace to deepen my love for Your Son and the Holy Spirit.  I ask this through Jesus Christ, Your Son, Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. 

A Grandfather's Prayer to St. Joachim

St. Joachim, you and St. Anne were the grandparents of Jesus Christ, Who is the redeemer of the world and the joy of our hearts.  help me to be an example to my grandchildren that they will look to Jesus as the Savior of the world, rather than to power, riches, or material pleasures.  Let them see in me an inner joy and peace found only in your Grandson.  Help me to make prudent and wise decisions in dealing with my grandchildren, so they may bot be spoiled, but know that I have a love for them founded on the truth of their dignity as sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father.  I pray to you as you pray to our Heavenly Father with your Grandson, Jesus, in union with the Holy Spirit.  Amen.

A Husband's Prayer

Lord Jesus, You ask me to love my wife as You love Your Birde, the Church, giving Yourself up for her; and through the Sacrament of Marriage, You have given me the grace to love.  as You have loved.  Help me to accept Your grace of sacrificial love, to turn to You in prayer, remembering that only when we are in communion with You are we capable of a love like Yours, which is the truth and power of Your love on the Cross that reveals Your life-giving love.  Amen.